Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have written to you to complain about the swings in Morse Park. They really need replacing. There are swings missing and the children enjoy them. Also, why can’t a bench be installed here so we moms and grandmas can sit and watch our grandchildren play?
Hopeful Grandma
Dear Hopeful Grandma:
Yours is not the only gripe I have received relating to the condition of the swings at Morse Park. However, thanks to Francis Withington, the city’s complaint officer, I have a response for you and other complainants today.
From Withington, “We took down the rotted set. We have one set there with four swings. I am trying to move the playground equipment from Thompson School over to Morse Park. The swing frame set will be painted within two weeks.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I realize the police have better things to do than watch for trucks coming up our street (Voss Road), but the problem is increasing. They are getting bolder by going faster and the vibrations in the house are increasing. Is there some way to report this? Can I take a video or picture of the vehicle and give it to the police and then maybe they could do something. I don’t want to confront them as it might not turn out well and I don’t think the police would eventually want me to.
The sign at the ends of the street don’t seem to make any difference to them. We’ve had really large trucks cutting through lately. The street is taking a beating. Also, there is little regard to safety with the speed they are travelling.
Dear Concerned:
I followed up with the city’s Complaint Officer, Francis Withington, placing your truck complaint with him.Last week, I received an email from you stating, “I haven’t seen a truck since I sent the email to you. I don’t know if it’s because I e-mailed you or just a coincidence. I’ll keep you tuned in.”
No, I don’t think your improved truck route complaint was a co-incidence. I believe we have to thank the city’s complaint officer for following up on your gripe. Once again, keep me updated on this problem.
Gripe Vine Readers:
Several weeks ago, a number of my readers complained of the “unsightly appearance” of Colonial Park. I notified the city, through Francis Withington, complaint officer, of this condition. Withington has notified the Department of Environmental Protection about parking on the grass in this area, in lieu of the possibility of automobile liquid leaking into the brook here.
Today, I am placing the question out to the residents in this area, has this property shown an improvement? Are cars still parking here? Has the grass and overgrowth been removed? I have been assured that it would be taken care of.
Email [email protected] and let me know the progress in this area.
If you have a question, comment or suggestion, write [email protected] or mail to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Ave. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept strictly confidential with me. You can also use our online form by clicking here.