Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am writing regarding my sidewalk. I have been trying to get sidewalks for at least 11 years. The closest I’ve come was the city taking down the tree that’s lifting the sidewalk and the street. The stump is still here and the sidewalk.
I feel bad for the high school kids because they have to walk in the street. The kid down the street is in a wheelchair and his dad must walk him in the street. Eleanore, can you help me. No one else has.
MG, Linden Street
Well, readers, it has been a battle. But Councilwoman Tracy Morrissey came to bat for this frustrated resident. Councilwoman’s comments sent to Gripe Vine included, “I have spoken with Ernie Chiarelli, the sidewalk inspector who has inspected the sidewalk and spoke with the homeowner. He explained to her the new procedures he put in place and how to report damaged sidewalks. The sidewalk is slated for repair over the next few weeks.”
Following this information, Gripe Vine notified Councilwoman Morrissey to see if a target date would be set. Here’s the confirming information I received from Councilwoman Morrissey, “As promised, the sidewalk was dug up and will be poured by the end of the week (July 9).

Gripe Vine Readers:
I received two photos from MG, the individual who complained of the sidewalks poor condition and received the two photos in my column today. As you can see, I have labeled them, BEFORE and AFTER.
Thanks to Councilwoman Tracy Morrissey and her diligent efforts a new sidewalk was installed and safety was restored on Linden Street.

You can send your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Ave. Please include your name, addre3ss and phone number, kept strictly confidential with me. You can also submit through our online form.