Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
Last month, June, Gripe Vine received a complaint referring to a speed limiting machine at Third Avenue and Wood. According to my reader, while the sign was up reminding motorists of their car’s speed, issues appeared to be diminished. However, apparently, as soon as this sign was removed, readers told me, the speeding continued.
District Councilman Aaron Charney received a complaint from Gripe Vine on this gripe and here is his reply:
“I emailed Sgt. D’Amato at the beginning of June regarding the following issues:
“Speeding that seems to be rampant on a few roads, but especially First Avenue, south of Main Street is especially bad. People are blowing the stop signs. I don’t know if it’s possible, but the movable speed radar sign (don’t know the exact name of the device) might help scare some people over there — Brown, Second, Peck, Third and Union. I also, have heard speeding concerns.
“A few residents have raised parking issues along Washington. People are parking in the No Parking area in front of the laundromat at the corner of Washington and Brown. People are also parking on the ‘grass’ area on Washington at the corner of Washington and Main.
“I’ve had a resident ask about how to turn a road into one way or little parking on one side, specifically Monahan Place.
“Another concern that isn’t in my district, but I have heard, regards big rig parking on Church Street at the Green. It’s impacting the churches.
“Sgt. D’Amato did put the speed trailer on Brown and is looking into the other issues. I followed up in the beginning of July.”
Gripe Vine Readers who live in the areas mentioned in Councilman Aaron Charney’s letter let me know if there are any improvements here.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is a pothole straight on turning onto Greta Street. It is a foot deep and has been there for years.
Greta Street Resident
Dear Greta Street Resident:
I alerted Councilwoman Portia Bias of this condition. She replied, “I have made the Public Works Department aware of this issue.”
Gripe Vine Readers:
In a recent Gripe Vine column, I wrote of heavy truck traffic complaints on Meloy Road. A request for assistance with this problem to Councilwoman Portia Bias produced some action. According to Councilwoman Bias, “I have spoken to the West Haven Police Department Traffic Division, regarding this issue. I will, once again, follow up with another update for you.”
Coming up…porta potties on the Green..plastic shopping bag complaints…littered parking lots and much more.
Readers, you can send your gripes, comments and suggestions to [email protected] and I will do my best to resolve them. Just include your name, address and phone numbers, kept confidential with me. If you prefer to mail your complaints, you can use the coupon next to my column or use a separate piece of paper to describe your issue.