Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
If you are reading Gripe Vine today and you are a resident of West Haven, you may be familiar with the Boot Program. This program fines those motorists who are delinquent on their motor vehicle taxes can risk their vehicles being immobilized with a wheel-locking boot.
Back in mid- July, Gripe Vine posed questions to the Tax Collector relating to the status of this program. As of the writing of today’s column, I have not received a reply. Here are Gripe Vine’s questions that may illuminate taxpayers with the progress and success or non- success of this program:
What is the present $$ status re: money collected from the Boot Program?
How many individuals were fined so far this year?
What is the success ratio at this point of this program?
Does our tax office also control out -of- city residents and their ability to pay?
I have asked the city not to refer these questions to the firm(s) that controls this program. This information should be provided by West Haven’s Tax Office.
As soon as Tax Collector, Dorothy Chambrelli, responds to these questions, you will read her replies in Gripe Vine. Taxpayers should be able to view the success or non-success of income related programs.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is a dangerous city tree and overgrowth between 35 and 51 Nonquit St. It is a city tree that needs to be trimmed or cut down.
The large branches have fallen on my property and into the street in front of my house. The underbrush is also overgrown and it’s impossible to see cars coming down Nonquit Street when pulling out of my driveway. It is also used as a garbage dump by passerby.
Nonquit Street Resident
Dear Resident:
I have written to Council Woman Robin Watt Hamilton expressing a potentially dangerous situation.
Please let me know as soon as you see an improvement here.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Back in June, I sent you a complaint about the large amount of trucks, buses and cars using Canton Street. My Council Woman Robin Hamilton was informed by you and was supposed to do something about it.
I sent another e-mail August 9 letting you know what was going on and on Sunday, August 4, there were no trucks using this street. Monday there were a few, Tuesday and the rest of the week it was like a landscaper’s happy highway. As of today, there has been no change since my original gripe was sent to you.
CK of Canton Street
Dear CK:
Council Woman Hamilton had previously indicated she had spoken to Sgt. D’Amato of the West Haven Police Department Traffic Division who said he would post a No Thru Truck Traffic Sign on Canton Street.
Is there such a sign there? Let me know.
Coming up…Eileen Road, broken catch basin..Porto Potty gripe….pothole on Sorenson Road…no trash barrels in parking lot…Morse Avenue, trash and racoons…early morning noise on Cherry Street…loud motorcycle on Benham Hill Road…and much more.
You can send your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected] or mail them c/o West Haven Voice 666 Savin Avenue. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept in strict confidence with me. If your gripe doesn’t fit on the coupon next to my column, you can use a separate sheet of paper. You can also submit through the online form.