Did you know that West Haven was originally called by another name? Or have you ever heard of Wigwam Creek? For whom is the Football Stadium named? Some of these questions may be asked of kids attending the Open House at the Historical Society on Saturday, June 11. The Open House will run from 10-11:30 a.m., and 1-2:30 p.m. The program is planned for children 6-12 years of age who must be accompanied by a parent or an adult. Admission is free. A free will donation will be accepted.
Fun and game activities, related to West Haven history and Savin Rock, will be the theme of the Open House at the Poli House Garden 686 Savin Ave. opposite the Green. It is all part of the historical organizations efforts to increase kid’s interest and understanding of local history. “History can be fun and we hope the youngsters who come out on Saturday June 11 will enjoy the activities and participate in all that we have planned for them,” noted Historical Society President Jon Purmont.
Among the activities will be a Native American section. There projectile points and arrowheads will be displayed which were discovered at the Peterson Farm on Bull Hill Lane. Various crafts and hands on engagement showing how to make wigwams, bracelets of “wampum” beads, and basket weaving were tasks engaged in by local tribes and will be available to participants.
Another part will feature a geography section which will display maps of West Haven at various phases of its development. Participants will learn how an early settlement developed into a village, town, and city and how each section of West Haven developed over time.
A “Famous People from West Haven” section will familiarize the young people with individuals who distinguished themselves by achievements in various fields. Young people will become familiar with the names Thomas Painter, Peter Brown, Ken Strong, and Eleanor Estes to name a few.
Another section will focus on West Haven’s famous Savin Rock Amusement Park. It will be recalled for the youngsters by several examples of games which will give kids an idea of what “games” were offered at the Rock years ago.
Open House Day on Saturday June 11 at the Historical Society promises to be a fun-filled day making local history come “alive” at the Poli House. No rain date is scheduled.