Back by popular demand! A West Haven-based band is once again traveling to the West Coast to showoff their talents to music industry leaders.
The 2025 Teach Kids Music All-Star Band is traveling to California this month to perform at the prestigious National Association of Music Merchants Music conference. The newest band of talented children aged 9 – 14 will play a 45-minute set on the Yamaha Grand Plaza main stage Thursday, Jan. 23 at the Anaheim Convention Center.
This is the second year that TKM All Stars have been selected to perform at this international event. Last year’s All Stars were so highly received that this year, the All Stars were offered placement on the main stage.
To help the TKM All Stars with travel expenses, Teach Kids Music will be holding a fundraiser concert on Saturday, Jan. 11 from 3:30-7 p.m. at Randall’s Restaurant, 236 Platt Ave.
In addition to the TKM All Star Band performing their full set, they will be joined by performances from several other youth bands from West Haven’s Rock House School of Music.
A $10 donation is requested to attend the event.
This year’s musicians are Matteo Perrelli,12 – Guitar, Willow Podoloff,12 – Vocals, Harris Wallman, 9 – Bass Guitar, Maximus Binkoski,11 – Vocals, Ray Wallman,12 – Guitar, Jake Zabawar,14 – Guitar, Antonio Rivera,12 – Drum and Dylan Land, 13 – Piano
“Please come help support the kids and treat yourself to performances of some of the most talented children in CT,” said Patty Stevens, who is helping to organize the event.
Those wishing to help support TKM and/or to help cover airfare for the young musicians and families going to California, online donations can be made at the website, www.TeachKidsMusic.org or mailed to Teach Kids Music, 52 Collis St. West Haven 06516.
Teach Kids Music, Inc is a 501-C-3 non-profit based in West Haven and provides children from resource limited families with opportunities to learn about music and to play an instrument while enhancing the development of creative, lifetime skills that will help them be successful in life, within and outside of music . TKM provides instruments, instruction and a performance atmosphere to help guide children on their musical journey.