By Josh LaBella
Voice Reporter
Tuesday night, after press time, the Democratic Town Committee was expected to nominate candidates for November’s election at its caucus. Rossi, who won her first term in 2017, is expected to get the necessary majority on the DTC, a committee on which her supporters hold a comfortable majority.
That does not mean there won’t be a primary. Her two Democratic opponents, former mayor Ed O’Brien and City Clerk Debbie Collins, have both said they are ready to get the 743 signatures required in order to primary for the seat. Collins was expected to have her name put into nomination Tuesday night, while O’Brien did not, according to the candidate this week (See page 3).
Candidates being considered so far are: Nancy Rossi, mayor; Patty Horvath, city clerk; Michael Last, treasurer; and Dorothy Chambrelli for tax collector. Party Chairman Michael Last has also asked DTC members to support Anne Heffernan, Cebi Waterfield and Andrea Talamelli for Board of Education seats as well as Ronald Quagliani and Gary Donovan for Council-at-large seats.
Unsure at this point is how many candidates on the under-ticket will be cross-endorsed, and how many new candidates will seek those positions. At least a few council candidates and top-of-the-ticket offices were expected to be challenged.