Citing the city’s continuing fiscal problems, Mayor Nancy Rossi decided this year’s Christmas Party, hosted by her office, would be a casualty of the city’s austerity program. In a statement released last week, the mayor noted the decision follows others made by her since early this year regarding unnecessary spending.
“As announced in May, I am reminding residents and city employees that there will be no annual holiday party sponsored by my office this month. The event was canceled because of the costs associated with it. Hosting a party would be insensitive to the financial sacrifices that residents and city employees are making to help get our city’s fiscal house in order.
“Plans for next year’s party will take into consideration the city’s financial condition at that time. Thank you for understanding.
During this holiday season, I encourage you to support our local nonprofit organizations that provide services for our neighbors in need.”
Earlier this year, the mayor canceled the Savin Rock Festival due to overtime costs the event would incur. Also on the chopping block was the Savin Rock Conference Center, which was closed while looking for someone to either buy or lease the space.
The city is under the scrutiny of the Municipal Accountability Review Board, which is monitoring all expenditures, and steered the mayor into a five-year plan that would balance the books.