Voice Profile featuring Michael Mercuriano“I always want better for this town. So you surround yourself with people who want the same.”
'Under the sea'Olivia Male, teacher at the West Haven Child Development Center, Inc., along with her students, welcome parents, alumni and classmates to a showing of the center’s year-end art celebration. The teaching staff and children transformed the center into an “Under the Sea” world of exploration by making and displaying many creative art works.
Editorial cartoon
Historian's cornerA flag, a declaration and an anthem
Completes termsPaul Bauer recently completed two three-year terms on the West Haven Community House’s Board of Directors. Under the agency’s charter, he rotates off the panel for at least one year. He is shown with current board President Bill Heffernan.
Scholarships winnersVillage Improvement Association awarded its annual scholarships during a ceremony at the West Haven Library’s main branch. Award winners are: David Anania (Pauline Smith Scholarship), Emily Cummings (Connie Sacco Scholarship), Connie Sacco (former library director), Colleen Bailie (current library director), Megan Mendoza (Pam Gardner Scholarship), and Skylar Serenson (Poli Scholarship).
First Tourney WinnersWest Haven United hosted its first annual “Dick Allspaugh Memorial” Horseshoe Tournament, played at the Old Grove Park. Pictured are Gary Donovan (Tournament Director), winners Tom Mancini and Mark Barone.
Cubs win WHLL titleThe Full Circle Cubs show off their first-place trophies after capturing the West Haven Little League championship, 9-4 over the Brewers.
Gettin' loose!Seth Noble warms up during the Post 71 Junior Legion (17-U game against Meriden on Saturday at Piurek Field. The West Haven entry lost this one, 4-3, but came back with a win the next day, 6-2. The team is sporting a 6-5 at press time.
A steal!Tyler Jones swipes second at Piurek Field. The West Haven team is 6-5 in zone play.
Lets loose!Jake Lentine lets loose with a pitch during Saturday’s 4-3loss to Meriden in an American Legion 17-U game.