Three West Haven elementary schools – Edith E. Mackrille, Forest, and Seth G. Haley – have been named Schools of Distinction for the 2022-23 school year.
Connecticut schools are named Schools of Distinction when their performance and/or growth, as measured by the Connecticut Next Generation Accountability System, places them within the top 10 percent of all schools across the state.
Edith E. Mackrille was recognized for High Growth and High Performance for all students in ELA and Math, and High Growth for high-needs students in ELA and Math.
“I wish to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the esteemed staff of Mackrille School for the well-deserved recognition bestowed upon them for a School of Distinction,” said Mackrille Principal Taryn Driend. “The tireless efforts and unwavering dedication they consistently exhibit toward the students at Mackrille have always been apparent to both me and those within our community. This prestigious award not only acknowledges their commitment to excellence in education and dedication to our students, but it is also a testament to the outstanding work that characterizes the staff’s collective efforts.
Working alongside such a remarkably talented group has been a source of immense pride for me. I extend my sincere congratulations to every member of the Mackrille staff for achieving this noteworthy accomplishment. May this serve as an inspiration for us to persistently strive towards providing the pinnacle of education for our students. Together, we will continue our journey of excellence.”
Forest School was recognized for High Growth for all students in Math, and High Growth for high-needs students in ELA and Math.
“I am proud of the hard work and determined effort that our staff and students of the 2022-23 school year exhibited,” said Forest Principal Thomas Hunt. “Being designated as a ‘School of Distinction’ by the State of Connecticut is a testament to their passion and commitment to teaching and learning.
It’s satisfying that as a Title I school, our designation recognized our student’s progress toward proficiency. Our students work hard and are very proud of their gains.”
Seth Haley School was recognized for High Growth for all students in Math, and High Growth for high-needs students in ELA and Math.
“Seth G. Haley School staff and students are proud to be recognized as a School of Distinction for the 2022-2023 School Year,” said Haley Principal AJ Palermo. “The staff worked throughout the winter to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses and then utilized both whole and small-group instruction to address these weaknesses. We consistently progress monitored and adjusted our strategies. We taught the students test-taking tips, such as using scrap paper efficiently, rereading, and double-checking their answers. We also relied heavily on a growth mindset approach. Research shows that increasing one’s growth mindset can help keep students motivated when they face challenges and hard work.