The Brown-Eyed Girl (For Mothers Day) May, 1969 Kiss me each morning for a million years,Hold me each evening by your side,Tell me you'll love me for a million years,Then if it don't work out,Then if it don't work out,Then you can … [Read more...] about Historian’s corner
Dear Eleanore Turkington: I heard while a cleanup crew was cleaning up THE ROCK that faces the sound they discovered lights up there. Can you get them to work again, Eleanore? What a sight that would be! Also, how about a flag pole … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Trump will enjoy this
By Rich Lowry Syndicated Columnist No one enjoys getting impeached, and if it happens to him, Donald J. Trump will be no exception. On the other hand, it's hard to imagine any potential target of impeachment in Anglo-American … [Read more...] about Trump will enjoy this
MARB nixing budget should be no surprise The news that the Municipal Accountability Review Board rejected city’s approved budget ordinance should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed the financial machinations the city has experienced … [Read more...] about Editorial
WSFD firefighters agree to extension
By Josh LaBella Voice Reporter The West Shore Fire Department extended the contract with its firefighters for for two years last week, which resulted in 0 percent increases in wages. The decision was made to minimize the mill rate increase … [Read more...] about WSFD firefighters agree to extension
Dear Felicia
Well honey bunch, here we are in the merry, merry month ‘o May, and the only way we’re being taken by surprise is the continuous rain. April showers are s’posed to bring May flowers. What in blazes does May rain bring. Things are sooooo soggy around … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Granfield denies charter rumors
The head of the city’s Charter Revision Commission is trying head off reports concerning the work of the committee and the proposals that are expected in its July report. Chairman Edward Grafield has been fighting off the city’s rumor mill for weeks … [Read more...] about Granfield denies charter rumors
MARB rejects Rossi budget
By Josh LaBella Voice Reporter The $163.3 million budget passed in the early hours of the morning last Wednesday was unanimously voted down by the Municipal Accountability Review Board in a meeting in Hartford the following Thursday. … [Read more...] about MARB rejects Rossi budget
The week in photos – May 2, 2019
Around Town
10th banquet Westies Care, Inc., a recognized 501 (c) 3 charity is hosting its 10th Dinner, velebrating Education and Community on Sunday, May 19 at 5 at the Cielo Ballroom, 85 Chase Lane. The Class of 2019 includes Person Of The Year - John … [Read more...] about Around Town