By Rich Lowry Syndicated Columnist It's roughly the one-month anniversary of CNN reporter Jim Acosta repeatedly telling President Donald Trump at a press conference that the migrant caravan is "hundreds and hundreds of miles away" and "not an … [Read more...] about Surprise! Media got it wrong
Lamont talk of ‘efficiencies’ does not mask real intent We read with some amusement comments by Governor-elect Ned Lamont that he is going to search for ways to streamline state services, making them more cost-effective and efficient. He has … [Read more...] about Editorial
Dear Eleanore Turkington: Thank you for your help and your connections regarding the sprinklers on Ocean Avenue. ( The letter refers to a complaint of water sprinklers running constantly opposite the fire station.) Gripe Vine investigated and … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Dear Felicia
Well honey bunch, here we are skittering toward the holiday break. December has come and the Christmas decorations are out. By the way, didya notice how when New Haven had its tree lighting last week it was for its “Holiday Tree”? Jest think o’ that … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
City native hero in Amtrak mishap
Clarke’s quick thinking saves passengers By Stephen Kirck II Special to the Voice A year earlier, he was creating havoc for the Notre Dame football team as lineman on the offensive and defensive sides of the … [Read more...] about City native hero in Amtrak mishap
The week in photos – November 29, 2018
Menorah lighting marks beginning of Hanukkah
The annual lighting of the menorah on the Green will celebrate the first day of Hanukkah at sundown Sunday. Led by Mayor Nancy R. Rossi, the ceremonial lighting will include a Jewish blessing and mark the Jewish Festival of Lights, an eight-day … [Read more...] about Menorah lighting marks beginning of Hanukkah
‘3 Buddies’ remembered
The West Haven Veterans’ Museum & Learning Center at 30 Hood Terrace will be the scene of a tribute to the “Three West Haven Buddies,” who were lost in the sinking of the HMT Rohna in the Mediterranean Sea on Nov.26, 1943. The program … [Read more...] about ‘3 Buddies’ remembered
Dinner chairman thanks helpers I am writing today in hopes that you will share my appreciation to the West Haven community. The 7th Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner was a great success due to the generosity of the West Haven community. … [Read more...] about Letters
It was ‘Lucky 13’ in 68th annual Green Bowl
Thirteen seniors and now 13 consecutive Green Bowl wins for the Notre Dame football team. You gotta love the symmetry! Even though the game was moved to Thanksgiving Eve, Zackary Hockman and Jackson Zalinsky made sure the rest of the Notre Dame … [Read more...] about It was ‘Lucky 13’ in 68th annual Green Bowl