By Michael P. Walsh Special to the Voice As yet another nor’easter was forecast for this week, Mayor Nancy R. Rossi is reminding residents and businesses to continue to heed the city’s “Severe Weather” parking ordinance under Chapter 188 of the … [Read more...] about It may be spring, but city reissues snow reminders
Gripe Vine Readers: In a recent column, a reader asked if a house at 525 First Ave. had any historic meaning and because of its condition, will it be demolished? I had posed your question to my readers and responses were received. In today’s … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Ferraro lends his support to adoption info proposal
State Rep. Charles Ferraro (D-117) is backing legislation, House Bill 5408, this session to help individuals adopted prior to 1983, and their adult children or grandchildren, obtain an uncertified copy of an original certificate of birth. Ferraro … [Read more...] about Ferraro lends his support to adoption info proposal
Rossi: Budget includes painful cuts
Ed. Note: The following is the budget address given by Mayor Nancy Rossi on March 15. In accordance with the City Charter, I am here to present my recommended budget for fiscal year 2019, which commences on July 1, 2018 and ends on June 30, … [Read more...] about Rossi: Budget includes painful cuts
It’s already a ‘trade war’
By Rich Lowry Syndicated Columnist There's already a trade war, and it's being waged by Beijing. China's ascension to the World Trade Organization nearly 20 years ago has failed in its strategic objectives. It hasn't created a liberalizing … [Read more...] about It’s already a ‘trade war’
Mayor’s budget promised pain -- it followed through Taxpayers have an opportunity to make their voices be heard concerning Mayor Nancy Rossi’s budget for Fiscal Year 2019, to begin on July 1. The mayor issued her first budget last week … [Read more...] about Editorial
Democratic Committee elects officers
The newly elected members of the West Haven Democratic Town Committee elected officers at the organizational meeting March 14 at City Hall. The 60-member panel is comprised of six members from each of the city’s 10 districts. The Town Committee, … [Read more...] about Democratic Committee elects officers
Dear Felicia
Well hon, by the time yew git this missive, the calendar will say spring, but Ole Man Winter is supposed to make sure that we all remember him. As Iyam scribing these words to yew, the weather forecasters are saying – and it looks like – were in the … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Walsh honors city, Erin
By Michael P. Walsh Special to the Voice Joined by Mayor Nancy R. Rossi, Irishman of the Year Coleman William Walsh, Jr. unveiled a Kelly green street sign designating the Campbell Avenue side of City Hall “Coleman W. Walsh, Jr. Square” for the … [Read more...] about Walsh honors city, Erin
Budget confab set Tuesday at Bailey School
Calling the budget process “very difficult,” Mayor Nancy Rossi presented her first spending plan to the City Council last week in the charter-mandated special session. When it was over the pain she had been describing in the weeks leading up to the … [Read more...] about Budget confab set Tuesday at Bailey School