Brian D. Nugent was a lifelong Westie who loved his city and his family, and, unfortunately, lost his life to cancer in 2014.
Nugent was the youngest of five children. From a young age his time was divided between family, “school and church” activities and sports. Those things continued to define him in his adult years.
Nugent was diagnosed with cancer in June of 2014 and passed away Oct. 4 of that year. Throughout his illness he was courageous and as best he could, continued to put others first. He touched many lives, making the world a better place, according to those who knew him.
Nugent graduated from UNH and opened Nugent’s Pot Belly Luncheonette. With his first child on the way, he chose to embark on a career as a West Haven police officer. When an injury forced him to retire from the force, he began a long and successful career with the former United Technologies Corp. At the time of his passing, he held the position of corporate ombudsman.
Always with a smile on his face, a kind word to share and a song in his heart, he led by example. Mr. Nugent’s deep love for God and his unshakable faith, guided him throughout his life and comforted him throughout his illness, his friends and family said.
“Brian was a dedicated father to his 5 older boys, and to our two children, Timothy and Mary Margaret. He was over the moon when he became a grandfather,” said wife Kiki. “Family was his No. 1 priority. When not at work, he was supporting our family and community through church, school, coaching and scouting activities. It is what he did best. This campership allows me, along with family and friends, to honor Brian’s legacy and continue to touch the lives of children”
To honor his legacy and continue to touch the lives of children in the city in whichhe grew up, Brian’s family and friends set up The Brian D. Nugent Campership, a fund that awards $400 to a student in each grade category (K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, and 9th-12th) to attend a camp or take lessons of their choosing in an effort to better themselves and ultimately better the world.
For the chance to be a Campership award recipient, students/residents in West Haven and Cheshire are invited to submit essays for the chance to be chosen for the award. Prompt options for essay submissions are as follows:
~~ An event or experience in which you appreciate the importance of family
~~ An event or a sacrament you received, that brought you closer to God
~~ An event or experience that gave you a better understanding of the role of a police officer
~~ A teacher or coach that you are certain changed you as a person
~~ An event in your community in which you and other residents came together for a greater good
Students must reside, or attend school, in Cheshire or West Haven, CT to be eligible. Those who have submitted essays in the past, but have not won, may write again.
Essays are to be submitted individually and include name, school, grade and prompt chosen. Kindergartners & 1st graders are welcome to submit illustrations with their essay.
The deadline to submit is 3/17/25 or when 50 essays are received, whichever comes first.
Final masterpieces can be emailed to: [email protected].