By Dan Shine Voice Columnist Shore Haven Junior Baseball League Part II See part 1 As a boy, Mike Freda had a serious case of Baseball Fever: If he wasn’t playing sandlot ball with his friends, he was practicing by … [Read more...] about Historian’s Corner
Dear Felicia
Well, it’s that time o’ year, again, honeybunch! Tho’ we have jest a bit short o’ two weeks before the guy in the red suit comes down the chimney, it is the time that Cobina puts together her annual list o’ gifts she would like to see under the trees … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Eleanore Turkington: We just received our early Christmas gift from the City of West Haven! If you are a regular television viewer or newspaper reader, then you know what I mean. Yes, our houses have been reassessed and I mean … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Historian’s Corner
By Dan Shine Voice Columnist Shore Haven Junior Baseball League Part I See part 2 The year 1950 was a year of new growth for West Haven. Large numbers of men and women were still returning to the States from various World … [Read more...] about Historian’s Corner
Gripe Vine Readers: Recently I received a complaint. “I want to put a fence on my property, one that would offer privacy for me and our family in my back yard. After talking with a few buddies of mine I I began to get the impression that there … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Dear Felicia
Here we are, sweets, another Thanksgiving Day to check off. The Mystick Maidens of the Marsh are having their annual Turkey Day festivities in a different place this year, gathering at the head of the Cove River for a traditional dinner. The MMMs are … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Historian’s Corner
By Dan Shine Voice Columnist Pilgrim or Puritan? We today often use the words Puritan and Pilgrim interchangeably, and yet the difference in the two is quite significant: those who came on the Mayflower to found the starving colony of … [Read more...] about Historian’s Corner
Dear Felicia
Well howdy-do, honeybunch. The year keeps flying by, and we at the papyrus office can’t believe how fast things are heading. Before yew know it, our traditional Thanksgiving isshew will be coming out, and it will feature the many faces of our … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Historian’s Corner
By Dan Shine Voice Columnist West End Market In 1932, the intersection of Kelsey Avenue and Main Street was a far cry from what we know today: In those days before traffic signals, a rotary existed there, and the roads were all … [Read more...] about Historian’s Corner
Dear Gripe Vine Readers: I am sorry if you haven’t read your complaints in my column recently and I want to assure you that I will address them as soon as possible. I sustained an injury, and it set my correspondence back for a time. However, as … [Read more...] about Gripevine