By the time you read this missive, sweets, it’ll be a week into the spring season. Yup, we’ve survived the winter again, and are lookin’ forward to all that the spring and summer have to offer in these parts. Of course, yew know as well as I do that … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Well, dearie, here we are in March, and whilst it may “come in like a lion and go out like a lamb” we in these parts know that spring warmth is weeks, if not months, away. It don’t git warm around here until April. Like we always say, “Cooler at the … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Here we are in the latter stages of February and land sakes, honeybunch, this has been one o’ the coldest, wettest we’ve seen in a long time. It seems we’re having a storm every two days or so, and when we think it’s over, the next one comes rolling … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Howdy do, dearie. January is gone and the coldest month of the year – usually, tho’ January was setch that Cobina’s timbers were shivered on more than one occasion – and we wonder effen we’re gonna have a big snow before it’s all over. February seems … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
It’s been quite somethin’ this month here in the Asylum by the Sea, at least weather-wise, hon. When they said we were gonna have a cold January, the weather guys and gals weren’t kidding. Getting the ole gassamobuggy to start on any morning – heck, … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Happy New Year, honeybunch. Here we are jest days since the calendar changed from 2024 to 2025. It seems like jest yesterday, we were all worried about Y2K, and whether all the computers in captivity were gonna go belly up. A quarter of a century has … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Well, it’s that time o’ year, again, honeybunch! Tho’ we have jest a bit short o’ two weeks before the guy in the red suit comes down the chimney, it is the time that Cobina puts together her annual list o’ gifts she would like to see under the trees … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Here we are, sweets, another Thanksgiving Day to check off. The Mystick Maidens of the Marsh are having their annual Turkey Day festivities in a different place this year, gathering at the head of the Cove River for a traditional dinner. The MMMs are … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Well howdy-do, honeybunch. The year keeps flying by, and we at the papyrus office can’t believe how fast things are heading. Before yew know it, our traditional Thanksgiving isshew will be coming out, and it will feature the many faces of our … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Well, sweetie pie, the leaves are falling – trees around my domicile have already given up the ghost – the days are getting shorter, a chill is in the air, and the boob tube is cluttered with one campaign ad after another. So, it must be elections … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia