By the time yew read this missive, hon, it’s gonna be summer! Yup! We crossed over inta summer a week ago, and now wait all the balmy – and barmy – weather our section of the universe has to offer. Around these parts one can say June has been one o’ … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
After two months of March, spring finally arrived in these parts, hon. We’re having some hot days and some not-so-hot days, but you know how things are around here. We’ll be in a heat wave before you can unscrew the suntan lotion bottle. The kiddies … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
As we sashay toward summer and this Memorial Day weekend – or as Granny liked to call it “Decoration Day” – things in the berg have been hoppin’ on almost every front. And the results of what has happened, and will happen, could make this one o’ the … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
By the time yew git this missive, sweets, we’re supposed to be outta March and into May. No, I didn’t forget April – April forgot April and stayed as March, and it’s been March since March with cold, damp and windy weather with wind chills. It ain’t … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
As Iyam scribing this week’s missive to yew, hon, we are getting a lit’le tetch of late spring with temperatures around the berg topping out around 80 degrees. It really is nice after the weeks of cold, windy, rainy weather we’ve had – and will be … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Well, hon, as we slip into April things around the burg are really starting to percolate. The trees are budding, the flowers are starting to come up, the showers are falling, and things in our corner of the universe are kicking into high gear. … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
By the time yew git this missive, hon, spring will have sprung, and we’re headed toward warmer weather – excep’ in this burg it’ll stay cold and damp for the next few weeks, at least. Yup, “cooler by the shore” will be the phrase of the day for most … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Yikes, Felicia, yikes! Jest when you think things in our little corner of the universe cain’t get any quirkier – using a polite term – a bomb hits that shatters the quiet we thought we had. Effen yew ain’t heard, the city has gone through another … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Howdy, honeybunch, hope all is goin’ well in your neck o’ the woods. Here in the Asylum by the Sea things are beginning to percolate on a number o’ issues, and it’s only February. And a warm one it’s been from what we usually git. I gotta feeling Ole … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Here we are, sweets, at the beginning of the shortest month o’ the year. It jest seems like we had the Christmas decorations out, and it’s been six weeks-plus since. Here in the Asylum by the Sea things are jest as crackers as they’ve always been. … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia