Washington’s Brown Suit Federal Hall, New York City Temporary Capital of the United States April 30, 1789 George Washington laid his hand upon a large Bible, one that had been loaned for this purpose by a local … [Read more...] about Historian’s Corner
Historian's Corner
Historian’s Corner
By Dan Shine Voice Columnist Loretta’s Christmas Memory, 1929 (With thanks to Valerie Forte Vitali) In her years as Librarian, Loretta BonTempo Forte had a knack for selecting books that suited the avid readers who patronized the … [Read more...] about Historian’s Corner
Historian’s Corner
By Dan Shine Voice Columnist Pauline Lang “Few are left who know how much I have done.” When Pauline and Otto Lang moved from the Midwest to the young town of West Haven in 1936, they found that their new community had a great many … [Read more...] about Historian’s Corner
Historian’s Corner
By Dan Shine Voice Columnist Winchester Repeating Arms Co. Part II Beginning in 1883, John Browning worked in partnership with the Winchester Repeating Arms Company to design a series of rifles and shotguns, including the models … [Read more...] about Historian’s Corner
Historian’s Corner
By Dan Shine Voice Columnist Winchester Repeating Arms Co. Part I Special thanks to Dorothy White Gemmell for her generous help with this story. June, 1917 Dan Shine (who many years later would become The Boy’s … [Read more...] about Historian’s Corner
Historian’s Corner
By Dan Shine Voice Columnist Hallowe’en, 1950s Style What do you remember about Halloween when you were a kid? The Boy remembers trick-or-treating on Kelsey Avenue with a bag full of candy in 1959: The bag was made of brown … [Read more...] about Historian’s Corner
Historian’s Corner
Autumn on Derby Avenue, 1913 - 1923 By Loretta BonTempo Forte Most of all, I remember the color of the trees in our yard on Derby Avenue, in October. Our yard glowed with color, with the light shining through the leaves, the … [Read more...] about Historian’s Corner
Historian’s Corner
By Dan Shine Voice Columnist Secrets of New Haven Green It’s a bit odd that there aren’t any ghost stories associated with New Haven Green—especially when you consider that beneath all of that grass lie over 5,000 of New Haven’s … [Read more...] about Historian’s Corner
Historian’s Corner
The Armstrong Rubber Company Part IV Armstrong’s Personal Vignettes Photo courtesy of Joanne Archibald When your Historian asked for personal accounts from those whom had worked at the Armstrong factory, it seems that … [Read more...] about Historian’s Corner
Historian’s Corner
By Dan Shine Voice Columnist The Armstrong Rubber Company Part III By 1950, James Walsh, Jr. was the manager of the West Haven Plant, one of three Armstrong facilities. He had grown up across the street from the … [Read more...] about Historian’s Corner