Well graduation happened, the kiddies are no longer kiddies, but young adults, and the Class of 2022 had its night jest before we put this little papyrus to bed. Yew can see the happy faces herein effen yew’ve a mind to do so. I always git a bit nostalgic at this time o’ year, Felicia. It was a eon or so ago when we trouped the boards to git our diplomas in the old City Hall. A lot has happened, and a lot o’ water has traversed under our bridges, that’s for sure. I always wonder whot’ll these young gennelmen and ladeez face in their walk of life. ‘Tis a time to reflect, that’s for sure.
Here in our little corner of the universe, though, many other things are happening. Yew hear about crime and you hear about things happening all over the place that hafta do with crime. Well, here in God’s Li’l Acre we seem to be having some problems along those lines as well.
In a short period o’ time we found out that the parking lot behind the old Silver’s is gonna be closed at night due to crime, and then we hear that the St. John Vianney/Our Lady of Victory Carnival, which was always a mainstay around here since the mid-1960s is canceled due to “security reasons.” That usually means they are afraid something untoward is gonna happen.
Sammy Bluejay sez that the problems surrounding the parking lot have been complained about for years. In fack, I seem to remember a group o’ people coming over to our office when we were ensconced in Savin Avenue, and residents complaining about things happening. Of course, not much was done, that’s why they came to us.
People seem to be hanging around back there, and with most of the businesses closed at night, there is a potential for activity that might not be in the best interest of the community – or neighborhood. Thus, the city decided to close the lot after dark.
The carnival effen I remember did have one or two problems over the previous few years, and maybe that is what led to the decision to cancel. It was the same time as the July3 fireworks, and that brought in a lotta people from the outside. There could have been discussions and “security” meant paying for constabulary to patrol the place as well as make other arrangements. Too bad, tough to see a bit o’ summer history go by the boards.
Speaking of the fireworks and other summer events, it seems the decision on setch things was made based on a couple o’ criteria, so sez Nelly Nuthatch. Ya see, hon, everything now is based on cost, but there is another variable in the equation. Whilst the city thinks moving the fireworks to September3 will cut down on overtime costs – that seems to be the gen’ral consensus, the reason is the smaller crowd that will be expected.
Whilst herroner is saying things like it will be a “city event” and celebrated by locals, what they are really saying is the costs that come with more than 100,000 people coming to the shore are perty steep, and with the MARB having control over the city’s purse strings, don’t think that didn’t come into play when the decision was made.
The problem with security is also a problem. It’s no secret that police departments have been hamstrung by politicos who wanna be politically correct, and that has led to a rise in various classifications of lawbreaking as one might expeck. Sooo, there were a couple thing involved in the decision. But, I will put my money on the fack MARB probably thought the cost was too high. After all we’ve been this route before. Welcome to the world of absentee ownership.
Getting to the budget, by the time this papyrus finds its way to the street, the MARB will have had its meeting concerning it, which was scheduled for June 15. Effen yew remember, the concern about the budget was a gap of about $2.5 million that has to do with the revamp of the city’ s police package, which will go back to pension and give a hefty raise to the men and women in blue. Of course, something went haywire according to herroner and the MARB’s figures are off because the actuarial company made some errors, double counting some things or setch. ‘Tis amazing how this city has trouble with information getting to those who hafta do the math.
As it said in my last missive, it seems that information seems to be a hardship for the city when it has to get to the right people. The audit of its use of Federal funds was askew, sez city officials, cuz there was a mistake in the info the auditor used. Now, we have the MARB having a double counting in its info that caused the budget to be nixed. Let’s hope things get on track.
Once the budget is in place, a lotta questions will be answered, and we can finally determine jest what we can and cannot have as the ones who pay the bills in this burg.
We are still awaiting word from the Actors Colony concerning its ongoing talks with the Simon Group, the developers of the Haven. Cobina traversed the area in her gassamobuggy a few days ago and the heavy machinery still seems to be lining up rubble and rock into neat piles, but it’s anyone’s guess when things will actually start over there. The heavy equipment seems to be in the same place. Yew don’t think the developers are using that old ploy of a stationary bulldozer jest to make it seem like something’s happening, do yew?
Meanwhile, there have been threats of fines for “blight” now that demolition of the former houses on the property seems to be off again on again. It’s off again as we speak. It’s been a month since the threat was made, we wonder effen there’s been any movement? It would seem not.
As far as getting a timetable or idea of when things will really get going over there, not much has happened either. Meanwhile herroner has said she wants to use Water Street to alleviate the traffic jams over there, especially at rush hour. Not much has happened that way either.
The Wag was in t’other afternoon and all he did was show me the local daily papyrus and say, “Hmmm.”
From whot I can glean John Bernardo has schedule a hearing for a “plea change.” Hmmm, indeed. Bernardo is one of the four people charged in some type of scheme to get federal Covid money in some questionable way. He and the others have been charged with fraud.
A plea change might indicate that things are starting to move along, and Bernardo might be talking to aid the case. The feds are involved and this is a usual tactic. We wouldn’t be surprised effen things really begin to percolate on this case. It’s been about a year, and we’re sure the feds have had discussions (!) with the major characters more than once or twice.
Keep yore eyes peeled on this one, honey bunch. Things might be moving toward an early conclusion on this one, maybe. Jest speculation on my part. The city really doesn’t need a long drawn-out affair.
Iva Lootey was here t’other day and sez that while he knows Beach Street is supposed to undergo a rebuild, the current pavement has drivers weaving around as if the place was Burma Road. Ya gotta watch wither you’re going cuz the potholes are more like sinkholes. One false move, or going too fast, and you might be on the business end of a tire jack.
Word is the work on that rebuild is gonna happen later than originally planned, which has some people who bought property over there none too happy. We shall keep our eyes on that one, cuz like everything else in the Asylum by the Sea, nothing happens as planeed.
With that bit o’ chatter, I’ll close this time till next, mitt luff und kizzez,