The assessor’s office is accepting applications by appointment for tax relief programs for elderly and disabled homeowners.
West Haven residents can apply for the programs, based on their 2024 taxable and untaxable incomes, weekdays from through May 15 in the assessor’s office on the first floor of City Hall, 355 Main St. For an appointment, call 203-937-3515. No walk-ins.
The state offers a tax reduction benefit depending on income and marital status through the circuit breaker program. To qualify, the applicant or spouse must be 65 or older by Dec. 31, 2024, or permanently and totally disabled as defined by Social Security.
Income limits, including Social Security, are $55,100 for married applicants and $45,200 for a single applicant. Those eligible for the program must reapply every two years.
To qualify for the West Haven tax freeze program, the applicant must be age 70 by Dec. 31, 2024, and have lived in the city for at least 20 consecutive years with nobody under age 25 living in the home. The program will freeze the city portion of the resident’s taxes only for the upcoming year.
Income limits, excluding Social Security, are $50,000 for married applicants and $35,000 for a single applicant. Those eligible for the program must reapply annually.
The assessor’s office is also accepting applications until Oct. 1 for additional veterans exemptions. The maximum income is $55,100 for married applicants and $45,200 for a single applicant.
For veterans who are 100% service connected, income limits are $24,000 for married applicants and $21,000 for a single applicant. Social Security and veterans disability payments do not count for 100% disabled veterans only. All other ratings must include veterans disability payments and Social Security.