Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I enjoy reading your column weekly. In a recent issue, you addressed the issue of blight on Anderson Avenue in West Haven.
As a visiting student, I walked to the beach with my visiting family recently and was surprised at the conditions on the properties and an amount of garbage in this area. There were small alcohol bottles littering the street. Needless to say, my family wasn’t impressed. Doesn’t West Haven have an anti-blight ordinance?
Graduate Student
Dear Graduate Student:
I forwarded your letter of complaint to West Haven’s Complaint Officer, Francis Withington. He replied, “I’ll send a crew there.”
As for a blight ordinance, in a future column I will address your question and publish the city’s ordinance on blight as there are a number of blight complaints on my desk. This published ordinance will be helpful to you and others as well.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is a house on Richmond Avenue that has many blight issues. There is a house with a yard filled with car parts. The property is disgraceful.
Disgruntled Neighbor
Dear Disgruntled Neighbor:
Francis Withington, West Haven’s Complaint Officer received your complaint. His reply, “I sent someone there recently. They are non-compliant on many tickets that have been issued. The West Haven Police Department and the blight office have turned it over to our corporation counsel for prosecution.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am inquiring about where do I send a complaint on someone’s unkempt property? A neighbor took out a tree stump and it is in the street. The sidewalk is covered in dirt and rocks that is now mud. I walk by there just about every day and cannot walk on the sidewalk I have seen a car almost run into this stump on the street. It is a dead end street but I don’t think that’s the point, people still see this stump. In the summer, the high grass is only mowed twice a month. Can you help Eleanore?
Annoyed Pedestrian
Dear Annoyed:
I notified City Complaint Officer, Francis Withington about your complaint. Withington followed up. Your reply, “Thank you for your help, Eleanore. The city came and picked up the stump. The sidewalk still has the dirt and small rocks on it. It’s not muddy anymore and it’s much easier to walk on.”
Dear Gripevine:
I was delighted to see in your column that there are other residents of West Haven who are fed up with the noise from illegally muffled motorcycles. The only thing good about our cold, wet spring has been the lack of these bikers along the beach roads.
Once again I can expect to hear them day and night. I have not been able to enjoy the breezes from the sound or my TV for many years. My windows have to be closed until the cold weather reappears.
Why do we have to put up with this nuisance year after year? I bet if the mayor lived along the First Avenue, Beach Street or Captain Thomas Boulevard, that action would be taken. I say if I cannot enjoy my home then I should pay lower taxes.
Muffled Ears
Dear Muffled Ears:
We need stricter road enforcements on the local and state roads here in West Haven that apply to the speeding and loud mufflers of motorcycles.
Presently, I am waiting to hear from Francis Withington, the city’s complaint officer, on his request to the state for road signs to be posted listing correct speeds for those riding motorcycles on West Haven Streets. I plan to help remove this irritating motorcycle speeding and annoying sounds to a satisfying conclusion.
If you want your voice heard on this issue, let me know. As promised, I will continue to publish your motorcycle gripes. I will continue to pursue authorities to improve motorcycle conditions in West Haven. I will need your help. Send me your complaints and/or suggestions. BUT, you will continue to see updates and comments every week in Gripe Vine.
Send your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected]. Please include your name, address and phone number kept strictly in confidence with me. You can also mail your gripes to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Ave.
just curious. if the city is not going to pick up the grass clippings, what are we suppose to do with them. this city looks trashy enough without people dumping their grass clippings everywhere.
six months ago I complained about the speeding and wrong way traffic on 3rd ave by wood finally they put a machine that checks your speed. what a joke. they see it as soon as they pull onto the street and slow up.. Now that its gone, they are back to doing the same thing. also, the grass is now 3 ft high on the
railroad overpass on 1st ave. I don’t Know who is responsible, but this should be taken care of.
thank you.