Gripe Vine Readers:
We are beginning a new year and with my wishes for a healthy, happy year, we’ll begin by opening 2020 with anticipation and accomplishments. Perhaps you found your gripe wasn’t solved last year, send it again, [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, Box 4, and Gripe Vine will follow up on your complaint.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Good Morning if anyone is reading this, please, my street Everett Street needs help. This street is full of potholes everywhere from the beginning of the street to the stop sign where children get dropped from after school.
I am embarrassed to see myself living on a street like this and no one is doing anything about it. This street has been with holes over a year now and it is getting worse. There is a new house up the street and the potholes are not even from that construction. I have seen people from the city driving around and they see how the street is and nothing gets done. I have a neighbor that lives around here, and she says this is why she doesn’t vote anymore. We need a better West Haven.
Neighbor on Everett Street
Dear Neighbor:
I have notified the Councilwoman from your district, Portia Bias. I and my readers would like to hear if your complaint was acted on by Councilwoman Bias. If you don’t hear from her within the week, please contact me.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I would like to know why Stop Signs, Red Lights, Right Turn on Red and Signal Lights on cars don’t mean anything anymore. No one seems to obey the laws. If laws where enforced, West Haven would collect a lot of money.
OB Motorist
Dear OB Motorist:
A little research provided my readers with the latest on traffic signal violations and their fines if ignored. According to Connecticut Law the fine for a Stop Sign violation, a motorist will typically pay $129.
The fines and fees for a Stop Light violation, $146 what could be paid in fines and fees.
At a red light, solid or flashing or a stop sign, motorists must come to a complete stop prior to the nearest of reaching a marked limit line, entering the crosswalk at the near side of the intersection or entering the intersection itself.
The right on Red Rule in Connecticut allows motorists to make a right turn after stopping at a red light unless there’s a sign that prohibits this action. Connecticut doesn’t allow left on red rule.
A yellow light is a warning that the signal is about to turn red. Motorists must stop at a yellow light unless they are so close to the intersection that a stop can’t be safely made.
Hopefully, OB Motorist, this information will help eliminate motorists that are careless behind the wheel.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Once again, I am complaining about all the trash on Plainfield Avenue and also people are not stopping at Fenwick and Yates Street. Too late when someone is injured.
I Care H.C.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I live in East Moriches, NY and have occasion to read your column. Today, my only gripe is why aren’t there more people like you and me?
Dear FPB:
Thanks for the chuckle!
Readers, you can email your gripes, suggestions or comments to [email protected] or mail to Gripe Vine, c/o of The West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, Box 4. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.