Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is more than just this picture. There are three more potholes on Everett Street. This is bad; we have kids that take the bus to school. They walk the street everyday and this is the condition we have.
Our street is been like this for over 3 months and no one is doing anything about it. We have people from city hall passing by. Please, someone needs to come around and look at this street and see the condition of how the entire street is. Please help.
ET Concerned Parents
Dear Concerned Parents:
You will see the deep pothole picture you sent in today’s column. I have submitted your complaint to Councilwoman Portia Bias for investigation. It is extremely important that you notify me with two weeks, whether or not the potholes in your neighborhood have been filled.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am complaining of the sidewalk that goes up the hill when you are going into the side entrance to city hall.
When you are leaving city hall, the sidewalk the sidewalk goes downhill. It is also when you are cutting through the city hall parking lot when it is icy. Some parts of the sidewalk are downhill, and they are usually sanded down to the ground, but sometimes it could be a little more even with the sand. That spot needs a railing. It is steeper than the spot that has railings. Some persons are seniors and if they fall, they could sue the city.
JG Worried
Dear JG:
I notified Councilwoman Bridgette Hoskie of your safety concern. The replied, “I will forward this to Public Works.” Please let me know when you see any activity at this site.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I read your recent article about headlight laws in Connecticut (vehicles driving without headlights on during poor visibility). This is one of my pet peeves. I drive less than three miles to pick up my daughter from work. Recently on one of these trips, during a torrential downpour, I witnessed 50 vehicles without their headlights on. The worst part of this was one of these vehicles was a school bus and several were city and state vehicles.
During five minutes of waiting in front of my daughter’s workplace, I counted 65 more vehicles not observing the law. I feel this is not only dangerous, but it is also a violation.
We have cameras on our highways and at most intersections and our police are patrolling constantly. Why not ticket these people and get people to change their practices and raise some much-needed revenue?
CD Just A Thought
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There are several 3 x 4 potholes from Brown Street to Chestnut Street. Chestnut Street is the worst. My daughter got a flat and was stranded recently. It is a severe safety hazard and there are several potholes on Chestnut up to Painters Park. Police and Highway Departments please patch before someone gets seriously hurt in a car accident.
IC Dangerous Area
Dear J:
I notified Councilwoman Bridgette Hoskie of the pothole dangers on Chestnut Street to Painters Park. Her response, “I have sent the request to have the potholes filled.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There are large potholes at the corner of Winslow and Woodmont Roads. The oncoming traffic forces you to run over it and I’ve already blown out a tire.
IA Irritated
Dear Irritated:
I notified Councilman Barry Cohen of your complaint. He replied, “I received your email and as is my normal protocol, I drove to this area. Upon arrival, I recorded the exact location of the hole and took photographs of the road condition. The request has now been sent to the appropriate Public Works team for their kind and immediate follow-up. I will also place a call immediately. I expect to get back to you once the repair has been completed.
Furthermore, separate reports on pot holes and hazardous driving conditions have been reported to me on nearby Kaye Road, as well as a major hole on Ida Lane that I identified as part of my Sunday 10th district tours (weather permitting)to inspect and report any major pot holes., safety conditions and any other blight issues. I select different portions of the district each week. These holes on Kaye and Ida have since been repaired.
Pending requests that I continue to follow up include potholes on Northrup Road as well as a more serious longer-term repair issue on Flaum Drive.
I welcome all 10th District neighbors to call or email any concerns or comments to my attention. If desired, I will come to your home and discuss with you in person. As always, I am blessed to serve you.
Barry Lee Cohen
This is now February. I have you the benefit of doubt the first time. Our council person is not Portia Bias any longer. Back in January you made the same reference to her as our councilwoman. I thought maybe because Trenee McGee was newly elected. I was hoping this was just an oversight on your part . However you refer to Barry Cohen as a councilman. So my question is why our district seems to be a forethought. This is part of the problem. We are not important enough. Maybe you can change my mind .