Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
I have begun to become impressed with the cooperation my readers have received from out Councilmen and Councilwomen recently. Most of these city representatives have been responding promptly to your inquiries. It can really get frustrating when there are safety hazards, blights and issues that can present frustration and anger within a population. To my readers, thank you for your patience and persistence and my appreciation to the time and resources provided by our Councilmen and women.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is a large pothole at the corner of Winslow and Woodmont and oncoming traffic forces you to run over it. I have already blown out a tire at this site.
GM A Frustrated Driver
Dear GM A Frustrated Driver:
I notified your district representative, Councilman Barry Lee Cohen who investigated this hazardous road condition. Following my correspondence to Councilman Cohen, Gripe Vine received this respondence from you:”The huge pothole on Winslow Drive and Woodmont Road is now patched. Thank you, Public Works. Although a larger repaving will be necessary, more than a few front-end alignments and tires have been spared.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
A high percentage of vehicles do not even slow down for the stop sign on Rangely and Enright Streets, never mind stop.
MI Dangerous Area
Dear MI Dangerous Area:
Councilman Peter Massaro received your complaint and he replied, “Well, there is only one stop sign there going eastbound, the westbound side is coming up hill and there is no stop sign.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is a huge cone in a deep hole on Fairfax Street. The hole is a couple of feet away and was filled and this one wasn’t. This is a very dangerous section of Fairfax Street especially at night when you can’t see this hole or the cone until you are right in front of it. Please repair.
PH Unhappy Driver
Dear PH Unhappy Driver:
According to Councilman Peter Massaro, “This was already taken care of; the cone removed, and the hole was filled.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Would you please look into a sink hole in front of the apartments on Bassett Street?
John Z An Observer
Dear John Z An Observer:
Council Woman Bridgette Hoskie was notified of this condition and she replied, “I reported this to Public Works.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Numerous potholes that keep getting a shovel of fill instead of a real repair on Dee Street. West Haven, please take care of this. Three years and the holes are still here.
Resident of Dee Street
Dear Resident of Dee Street:
I contacted your district councilwoman, Robbin Watt Hamilton with your complaint. Her reply, “I have forwarded this very pothole to the commissioner of public works early last week. Those have been filled in the past and I am confident they will be taken care of.”
Readers, you may send your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, Box $ West Haven 06516 Please include your name, address and phone number, kept strictly confidential with me. You can also submit through our online form.
Dear Eleanor,
There are a few light industrial businesses at 550 Island Lane. I live across the street. The trash pick-up company that services these businesses picks up really early in the morning. This weeks it was 3:06 a.m. It wouldn’t be that bad but the trash truck lifts the bins and slams them on the ground. I actually thought there was a car accident and went to look. Who can I call about this? The trash company or someone at City Hall?
I think 3 a.m. is a bit much.
Thank you!
Losing Sleep