Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am aware that a lot of people walk around (the Boardwalk). It is a scenic route off the road that is peaceful and away from noisy cars and road pollution. If you haven’t noticed, both the walking lane and bicycle lane are about 15 feet wide each. I think the walking side might be bigger and some parts the bike ride are only three feet wide that should be more than enough room to stay clear when people follow directions.
If you are not riding a bike for recreation you will note that the roads are too sandy, and the paving is really bad. It’s also even worse on the street with cars because you still don’t get respect like you do other places.
The boardwalk is a peaceful scenic walk that should be enjoyed by everyone, whether your passing time or exercising. All I’m saying is, if MOST people payed attention and saw that there is a bicycle side and a walking side , there wouldn’t be any problems.
What about the families that ride bikes together? Bicyclers naturally go faster than walkers. How can you expect to be a biker when you are walking on the bike path? It is like crossing the street outside the crosswalk.
Most places (99%) that have boardwalks or trails always will have a side for bikers and a side for walkers. It’s pretty standards nowadays. People do follow these rules; its simple. Go to the Farmington River Trail in Hamden and you won’t see one person walking in the bike lane.
People that ride bikes are always looking ahead, constantly aware of what is around and what is coming up in front of them. In most cases they are more aware of what is going on than the walkers. Bikers aren’t ruthless drones; we just like to pedal up to a speed and keep the pace up; that’s what you do on a bicycle.
Just, please stay out of the way and expect a biker to be in the biking lanes.
Michael 74- Biker
Dear Eleanore Turkington;
Hundreds of children and adults walk this boardwalk. Why is it necessary for bicyclists to be there? Shouldn’t they be on the roadway with other vehicles? I have been nearly run down many times by cyclists who speed along through the crowds of people. I think they should be banned and forced to ride on Captain Thomas Boulevard. There is no reason they need to be on the boardwalk. Its’ not as if they are cruising along looking at the scenery. Most of them are working out at a fast pace which can be done on the shoulder of the roadway.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Cars drive right through the stop sign all day long at the intersection of Dix Street and Nonquit Street. When the weather gets warmer, kids are outside playing, and it becomes dangerous. A traffic cop is needed here to monitor and issue citations to defer cars from driving through the stop sign.
TN A Neighbor
Dear TN A Neighbor:
Councilwoman Robin Watt Hamilton received your complaint and replied, “I spoke with Sergeant D’Amato, West Haven Police Department who ensured me that he will provide more supervision at this stop sign. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.”
Gripe Vine Readers, when I receive such complaints and they are followed up by your councilman or councilwoman, it is important to let me know if these situations continue to be hazardous or if they have improved.
Coming up: Litter thrown on beaches..proper disposal of cleansing materials…ignoring stop sign at Contact Drive.. yellow guide lines on Captain Thomas Blvd….more boardwalk complaints..chemical dumping into water…loud music weekends at Winslow Drive…Oxford Road gripe re; muddled and pot hole road at Oxford Road and Merwin…homeless sleeping on the beaches…and more
Send your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected] or mail to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, Box 4, West Haven 06516. You can also submit through the online form.