Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am addressing my gripe through Gripe Vine to the City of West Haven: “Would you please do us all a favor and pave Dee Street?”
Every year we submit requests to repave the potholes ridding this small street and eve y year they are poorly done and by November the street is all torn up. The holes are the same as in the past and take up the width of the street.
Dee Street Resident
Dear Resident:
I submitted your Dee Street complaint to Councilwoman Robin Watt Hamilton who promptly replied, “My apologies to my constituents who are faced with this ongoing issue. I have forwarded this complaint to the Public Works Department for a permanent fix.”
Residents on Dee Street, if you haven’t seen a permanent solution to the conditions on your Street, you may write to me at Gripevine4wh@ aol.com.
Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
Residents n the Plainfield Avenue have been complaining that there are huge and permanent potholes taking over Plainfield Avenue. I have notified Councilwoman Robin Watt Hamilton and Councilman Peter Massaro of this complaint.
Councilman Massaro replied,” I already told Public Works about the potholes; the weather is just starting to get warm. There are many potholes in the whole city. They will get done.”
Following receipt of my request for assistance with this pothole problem, Councilwoman Robin Hamilton replied that the Plainfield Avenue pothole gripe was not in her district. However, she indicated she would add this complaint to the list already given to Public Works.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I was walking my elderly mom on Leete Street. As we passed one house, there was overhanging growth and thorn bushes from the front yard onto the sidewalk. My mom tried to brush them away as she walked by and got pricked. A small child could have easily gotten cut. It has been like this forever. Police, homeowner, City and chop down or trim way back. I would hate to see someone get hurt or sue the homeowners. Please take notice!
CW Fearful
Dear Fearful:
Councilwoman Bridget Hoskie received your complaint to Gripe Vine. Her reply, “I will request one of the code enforcers to take a look.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is a unit on Knox Street that has the most annoying and loud music bumping all day long..so disrespectful.
RR Annoyed
Dear Annoyed:
The Councilwoman for your area, Robin Watt Hamilton sent this reply to your complaint, “There are noise ordinances in place. Please instruct your readers to call the police for enforcement. Please give the exact address because there are more than 100 units on this street.”
If you have a gripe, comment or issue, send them to [email protected] or Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven, 06516 If necessary use a plain sheet of paper if your gripes/comments are lengthy. Please add your name, address and phone number, kept strictly confidential with me. You can also submit through our online form.