Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am a resident on one of the side streets off Ocean Avenue. The signs that says, “For West Haven Beach Permit Parking Only.” (Drivers) go up the street halfway then they stop. And then they are like that throughout the entire neighborhood on any side streets off Ocean Avenue. Unfortunately, my house is at the top at one of these streets with no signs present.
For the past two seasons, people who would park in my area would leave garbage behind, or park close to people’s driveways making it challenging to get in and out of driveways. One time a group of college students were seen urinating outside of their car prior to them going down to the beach.
Why can’t we have these signs going up and down the entire length of our streets? We shouldn’t have to accommodate those visitors who don’t want to pay at the parking lot?
WH Resident
Dear WH Resident:
Your parking concerns were directed to the Council Representatives in your area. According to Melli Garthwait, Councilor-at-Large, “I have requested these signs for Kelsey Avenue, Arlington and Grove.”
“WHPD’s Traffic is going to get back to me on them, as the signs are a bit misleading, since we have the new digitally paid parking. These signs mention a permit”
Christopher E. Vargo
City Council District 8
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have a gripe! My husband and I dine out quite often. We are very confused about the tipping regulations. Do we have to tip the cashier when we occasionally pick up our orders at the cash register? How about details on this new concern to those of us who enjoy eating out?
Coming up….Senior Center activity complaints…city tree limbs hanging over private property and neighbor’s weed overgroth onto neighbor’s fence.
You can send your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected] or mail your gripes and comments to Gripe Vine 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven, CT. You can also submit through our online form.