Gripe Vine Readers:
In a June Gripe Vine Column complaint was published describing a plight that neighbors living on the side streets opposite the beach was posted. Evidently, signs were posted on these streets alerting motorists not to park in these areas. Homeowners residing on these streets complained to Gripe Vine that visitors to the beach were ignoring the sign warnings causing inconvenience to residents here. Complaints included blocked driveways, urinating on the street and accumulating trash dropped by these beachgoers.
At that time, council representatives in your area were contacted and according to Meli Garthwait, Councilor-at-large, a notification was sent to the WHPD for assistance as the present signage was “misleading.”
Well readers, I contacted the individual who made the original complaint to see if any progress had been made on her complaints. I asked if there was any improvement. Her reply, “I saw the response in the Voice, questioning why the signs were even posted to begin with now that beach stickers are no longer a thing. It’s just annoying to have people park on side streets that don’t have these signs posted to avoid to have to pay for parking at these lots. It makes no sense to only go halfway on the side streets then stop. Unfortunately, I live in the section where the signs are not there. Therefore, on my section of the street we get the people who are from out of town that park there.”
So readers, apparently this gripe has not been settled and I and my readers will be waiting to hear from the authorities that had been notified of this complaint.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
When did people stop taking pride in their property? I see so many houses with their trash “prominently displayed” in their front yards! Now that we have the new, larger recycling bins they are just adding to the eyesore!
We should have an ordinance along with the blight ordinance to mandate that the bins are not stored in the front yard. They are not ornamental. They serve a purpose; they hold our trash and recycling. Please take pride in your house or rental and help to beautify our neighborhoods!
One who does take pride in their property property.
Dear Eleanore: Turkington:
I am so pleased that West Haven is finally getting on board like other surrounding towns with uniformed recycling bins! But what about getting uniformed garbage cans? Is that in the works too??
Curious Mind
Dear Curious Mind:
Your challenge to the city for uniform trash cans may spark a reply from the city! Watch for it here!
Dear Readers:
Gripe Vine has received senior center complaints. Response will be here in Gripe Vine!
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I thought West Haven had a noise level. I live on Main and Third and some of those levels are way off the charts. At times it makes the Indy 500 sound like the Soap Box Derby!
Ralph Ferrucci Jr.
You can send your gripe, comment or issue to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516. You can also submit through our online form.