Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
I am sorry if you haven’t read your complaints in my column recently and I want to assure you that I will address them as soon as possible. I sustained an injury, and it set my correspondence back for a time. However, as they say, I am back on the trail and will begin addressing a number of them today.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have called the “Blight Line” three times and each time they responded within a day. Excellent job! Not so much the Public Works Department I called about an issue of weeds making it difficult to see at Washington Avenue near the lumber company
Dear CD:
I will contact the Public Works Department and request a follow-up on your complaint.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I live in the wastebasket of West Haven, although the new recycling bins are much better. Has anyone seen the employees trying to lift the new bins and smashing them against the tailgates on the new recycling trucks? Try lifting a fully laden recycle bin.
Hamden has a fully loaded purpose truck which activates a a lifting arm that picks up the bin and places it back on the curb. Another truck dedicated to trash (which the city supplies) does the same operation.
Also, as unbearable base music and trash which is all over now you can thank landlords who do not live here and rent out to people who care less.
Police cannot be everywhere but the laws have the police hands tied.
Respectable people no longer exist.
Grinding Gears
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The former Noble School, located at the corner of Noble Street and Washington Avenue, is the site of, among other things, educational and daycare services for preschool children.
During the morning rush hour and throughout the day, families are attempting to escort their small children into the building. Parking is extremely limited on the Noble Street side and prohibited along the southbound Washington Avenue side of the building, with police enforcement of the parking ban. Families must therefore park across Washington Avenue from the school and risk walking across Washington Avenue to drop off or pick up their children. The risk here is the presence of speeding and/or distracted drivers, of which there are many. Sooner or later, someone is very likely to be injured or killed.
Before that happens, why can’t speed bumps be installed? Of course that would take time. Meanwhile, it would also be wise and quick to install a stop sign on Washington Avenue northbound and southbound at the corner of Blohm Street, to regulate the flow of traffic. A greater police presence on behalf of these young families would also make a lot of sense.
We hope that you can find a sympathetic and responsive ear at City Hall before this inevitably becomes a tragedy.
Concerned Parents
Coming up. Senior Center noise complaint, gripes on location of senior center move…more on No Parking signs opposite beach, and much more.
Readers: If you have a complaint that hasn’t been addressed because of my recent absence, send them to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516 and I will follow up and update them for you.