“West Haven’s Business History: A Look at the Past, A View of the Future” is the theme of the upcoming Open House exhibit planned by the West Haven Historical Society. The display will be on view at the Poli House, corner of Main St. and Savin Ave., Saturday, June 8, from 10-3, and Sunday, June 9, 11-3. Admission is FREE.
The Open House will feature the Business History of the city from its earliest days of the l8th century through the l9th and 20th centuries, when West Haven became an industrial, manufacturing, and commercial hub. It will also include a look at recent business developments in the 21st century and what those circumstances may indicate for the future.
Many vintage photographs, maps, artifacts, and advertisements from the Historical Society’s collections will be exhibited along with numerous promotional items of various old businesses in West Haven that no longer are part of the local economic scene. A group of newspaper advertisements will also be displayed highlighting the diverse local businesses, commercial, and manufacturing enterprises located in West Haven. The ads are from the large newspaper collection of the society which includes the West Haven High School Rostrum, the West Haven Town Crier and other local papers.
A Children’s Corner will provide opportunities for kids under age10 to show their talents with an enjoyable and fun activity related to the theme of the Open House.
Of special note will be artifacts from several long forgotten West Haven businesses: Clark’s Dairy, the Wehle Brewery, and the B. Dickerman Manufacturing Company. Those artifacts have not been seen for many decades and the items are among society’s Special Collections.
I just returned from this exhibit & it was very impressive. One of my favorite exhibits was an artwork of Silver’s Drug Store. The exhibit showed that there were many old businesses in both West Haven & Allingtown. Finally, the exhibit was very well attended.