State Sen. James Maroney (D140 has received the Democratic Party nomination to seek re-election for the 14th Senate District which includes Milford, Orange, West Haven and Woodbridge. He won a unanimous vote of the delegates to the Democratic Party convention. Maroney is looking for his second term.
During his first term, Senator Maroney led the effort to pass several bills in Connecticut that helped ensure a better future for our aging population, youth, and veterans. As Senate Chairman of the Veterans Committee, he was the main author of a new “Military to Machinist” program that will establish certain job training programs to assist veterans with the skills needed to obtain jobs in advanced manufacturing and other related positions. He also co-authored pieces of legislation that expand eligibility for veterans to receive certain state benefits; and provide greater property tax relief for veterans
Maroney supported a fiscally strong budget, under which the state Rainy Day fund reached an all-time high of $2.45 billion earlier this year, leaving Connecticut amongst the best positioned states to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. He also fought to ensure that Connecticut’s aging population would receive a phase out of the income tax
“As a Senator, James Maroney fights to keep grant money coming into our communities; he works directly with residents and businesses to keep them informed about critical pandemic news and fast-changing executive orders coming out of Hartford,” Milford Mayor Ben Blake said. “I’m so impressed by the depth and breadth of James’ knowledge regarding local, state and federal coronavirus relief programs – he’s a lifeline between many struggling constituent families and the help they depend upon.”