The West Haven Scouts of Troop and Pack #821 marked the end of “Read Across America Week” last Saturday at Annawon Lodge.
The program commemorates the life of Dr. Theodore Seuss Geisel, who went by the name “Dr. Seuss.” The iconic children’s author’s birthday was celebrated with a green eggs, pancakes and bacon breakfast and book giveaway. The breakfast was donated by Chips Family Restaurant, Elm Diner and the Annawon Lodge Fellowcraft Club.
“What better idea would it be to encourage kids to read books.” Said Scout Leader Carrie Malangone.
For over a quarter of a century, Read Across America has emphasized diversity of books, reflecting different cultures and experiences.
Local communities throughout the United States put in their own unique spin on Read Across America. This year is the first collaboration between Pack and Troop #821 and the West Haven Masons.
“We are proud to join in with the Scours to encourage literacy with West Haven’s youths.” Said Annawon Lodge Worshipful Master Joey McVety.
Dozens of children of all ages were able to pick out books of their choice. The books were donated by Scholastic Books. Some children sat and listened to stories read by the “Cat in the Hat,” played by Annawon Lodge Past Master Steven R. Mullins.
There were also several student volunteers from the West Haven High School Student Government and Class Councils.
“In Scouts, we support literacy programs through and through.” Malangone said.