Last week, the students in St. Lawrence celebrated Catholic Schools Week, participating in a number of fun activities from Monday through Friday. “For them, it’s a chance to take a step back and have some fun, while appreciating the gift of excellent education their parents are giving them,” said Frank Arnone, Principal.

The week was filled with activities: Movie Monday – watching the Lego Movie in pj’s on a blanket to start the week; Take a Trip Tuesday – to visit our friends at Woodlawn Duckpin Bowling, Winning Wednesday – this special person’s BINGO and lunch was fun for all; Think Catholic Education Thursday – with school-wide rosary bead distribution, Valentine card making for the veterans, and students providing tours during Open House; and, finishing the week, Football Friday – had students contributing to a canned food drive, and wearing team colors, to show their pick for the winner of the SuperBowl.
All in all, the week was a big success, with kids having fun and spreading the enjoyment of Catholic school learning.