Kellen Driver earns Eagle Scout rank
New Enterprise Zone - Rossi hails plan as economic spurMayor Nancy Rossi looks over the details of the proposed Enterprise Zone with Rep. Michael DiMassa (D-116). The proposal was passed by the City Council, Monday night, and sets into motion the approval process, which might be ready in a matter of days
New Enterprise Zone - Rossi hails plan as economic spurThe proposed area along Front Avenue.
No shave NovemberThe West Haven Police Department just wrapped up a No-Shave November fundraiser for Circle of Care for families of children with cancer. Circle of Care helps families of children with cancer living in or being treated in Connecticut. West Haven PD’s officers made time to meet with a local boy with cancer during their fundraiser Sgt. Patrick Buturla was the event coordinator. For more information on Circle of Care visit www.thecircleofcare.org.
Editorial Cartoon
Rossi light up AllingtownMayor Nancy R. Rossi, fourth from left, lights the Christmas tree on the Allingtown Green on Dec. 10. Joining Rossi are, from left, Planning and Zoning Commissioner Steven R. Mullins; University of New Haven political science professor Joshua Sandman; mayoral Executive Assistant Louis P. Esposito Jr.; Councilman Peter V. Massaro, D-6; Christian Mullins; state Rep. Michael A. DiMassa, D-West Haven; Councilman Gary Donovan, D-at large; Deputy Chief Michael T. Esposito of the City of West Haven Fire Department Allingtown; and Councilman Barry Lee Cohen, R-10
Hanukkah menorah lightingMayor Nancy R. Rossi watches the lighting of the menorah as Rabbi Menachem “Mendy” Hecht of Congregation Beth Israel of New Haven, joined by his children, leads a Jewish blessing at the sundown celebration of the first day of Hanukkah on Dec. 10 on the West Haven Green. The annual ceremony was attended by a small gathering of West Haven residents and officials, including state Reps. Charles J. Ferraro, R-West Haven, and Michael A. DiMassa (D-116), Councilmen Barry Lee Cohen (R-10), and Gary Donovan (D-at large); Planning and Zoning Commissioner Steven R. Mullins, and University of New Haven political science professor Joshua Sandman.
Hanukkah menorah lightingRossi, DiMassa, Cohen, Donovan, Mullins and Sandman were later led in a menorah lighting on the Allingtown Green by Rabbi Joshua Hecht, the headmaster of the Southern Connecticut Hebrew Academy and spiritual leader of Chabad of Orange.
Toys for joy!Students from West Haven High School sorting toys for the annual Toys for Joy drive. Toys are provided by the West Haven High School Peer Advocate group. The toys are distributed to needy families to make the holidays a little brighter for city youth. Pictured testing out the merchandise and sorting it are Jaden Perez, Matt Oliwa, Carson Kershner, and Hailey Alfano.
All the fixings!Thanksgiving dinners with turkeys to Carrigan families. Shown are the components that made up the dinner packages. The turkeys were donated from the Vertical Church, pies from the WHPD, and all sides - stuffing veggies etc. from the staff. They also donated 1500 plus items to WHEAT.
Historian's CornerLoretta BonTempo
Picking a good book!Melody Rose Gurr, age 1, a student at the West Haven Child Development Center, Inc., is choosing her favorite stories from the book corner. The agency provides early education for youngsters enrolled in its programs. The WHCDC has been providing those educational services for more than 30 years.