All-Star game July 8 benefits Register Fund
Around town

City mourns ‘Tinker’ Blake
Dear Felicia
Dini Tournament opens
From the desk of… Bill Riccio, Jr.
Gripe vine

Historian’s corner


Officials applaud new regs

Post 71 tops New Haven, 10-0

Sports: 10-U All-Stars split pair in openers

Sports: Brewers win Minors’ showdown

Sports: Marlins top A’s for Majors crown
Trump is now a Republican

WHCH camp still makes memories
This week’s photos
Watt park opensFriends and family of the late City Councilman and Allingtown community activist Brent Watt applaud as Watt Park was open on Tile Street Saturday morning. The pocket park will now offer a place of gathering and conversation for people of Watt’s neighborhood. City and state officials were on hand for the opening.
City mourns ‘Tinker’ Blake
City mourns ‘Tinker’ Blake
WHPD retirees give scholarshipsThe WHPD Retired Officers Association recently awarded its annual scholarships for high school seniors going into criminal justice. This year’s winners are: front row -- Marshall Alberino, Alex Saier, Michael Gerbase, and Brandon Moore. Top row are members Bill Conlan, Jim McDonough, President Russ Kniehl and VP John Jarvie. Two additional $500 scholarships were given in the memory of member Sgt John McDonough who passed away this year.
Pre-fireworks party!Attendees were treated to music by the band, Funhouse, leading up to the annual fireworks at Savin Rock.
Pre-fireworks party!Attendees were treated to music by the band, Funhouse, leading up to the annual fireworks at Savin Rock.
Pre-fireworks party!Attendees were treated to music by the band, Funhouse, leading up to the annual fireworks at Savin Rock.
Pre-fireworks party!Attendees were treated to music by the band, Funhouse, leading up to the annual fireworks at Savin Rock.
Community House summer fun!Scenes from the Community House summer program which offers many enriching experiences over the summer.
Community House summer fun!Scenes from the Community House summer program which offers many enriching experiences over the summer.
Community House summer fun!Scenes from the Community House summer program which offers many enriching experiences over the summer.
Community House summer fun!Scenes from the Community House summer program which offers many enriching experiences over the summer.
Bingo!Photo by Michael P. Walsh Surfside resident Judy Denison, sitting, calls out a number as, from left, City Clerk Deborah Collins, Mayor Edward M. O’Brien, West Haven Housing Authority Executive Director John Counter, Councilman Nicholas W. Ruickoldt, D-2, and Surfside Resident Council President Bea Faulkner celebrate the opening of the new electronic Bingo machine at the Oak Street public housing complex June 29.
Historian's cornerA look back to New Haven’s Horse and Buggy Days
Officials applaud new regsSen. Gayle Slossberg (D- 14) and Mayor Edward M. O’Brien celebrating with residents about new regulations that determine the placement of cell towers.
Additional parking meters installed in beach lotsPhoto by Michael P. Walsh From left, Stephen J. Neifert, operations manager at Wescor Parking Controls Inc. of Auburn, Mass., demonstrates the new solar-powered, multi-space parking meter for nonresidents at the April Street boat ramp June 29 as Mayor Edward M. O’Brien and police Sgt. Eric Pimer look on. Similar pay-for-parking kiosks for nonresidents were also installed in the Sea Bluff, Bradley Point, Morse Park and Sandy Point beach parking lots. The kiosks, which accept bills, coins and credit cards, charge a daily fee of $12, or $1.50 per hour. Visitors can also buy a nonresident beach sticker for $75 in the Department of Human Resources on the second floor of City Hall, 355 Main St. The new kiosks join several others the city installed last summer on Palace Street along Old Grove Park, a pay-for-parking site for both residents and nonresidents. Residents, however, can park for free in all other beach lots, including South Street, Dawson Avenue, Rock Street, Oak Street and Altschuler Plaza, provided that a beach sticker is affixed to the inside lower left corner of the vehicle’s windshield. Parks and Recreation Director Bill Slater, whose department manages the beach lots, said the Palace Street kiosks and police-issued parking tickets combined to generate more than $200,000 in parking revenue for the city last year. Slater said the funds were used to purchase the additional kiosks, which were recommended to O’Brien by the Beach Parking Task Force, led by its chairman, Councilman Ronald M. Quagliani, D-at large. The revenue produced by the kiosks and nonresident beach sticker sales will support the general fund, city officials said.
Editorial cartoon
Post 71 tops New HavenPost 71 American Legion pitcher Ryan Patterson fires a pitch in this past weekend’s game with New Haven at the Whitey Piurek Field. The team is competing in Zone II play and includes high school and college athletes from area high schools that live in the city.
Marlins cop championshipThe Marlins and A’s show off their championship and runner-up trophies following the championship game in the West Haven Little League Major Division.
Brewers win Minors' showdownThe Indians and Brewers show off their championship and runner-up trophies following the championship game in the West Haven Little League Minor Division.