Scouts thanked The Harugari German-American Club sends out a hearty thanks to the Troop 802 Boy Scouts of the First Congregational Church for helping to get our grounds cleaned up for our upcoming Sommerfest and other summer outdoor events. Scout … [Read more...] about Letters
Mary Lou Tibbets Venedetti Mary Lou Tibbetts Vendetti passed peacefully from this earth on June 8, 2018. Born April 17, 1933 in West Haven to Marion Savage Tibbetts and Millard Tibbetts, she was predeceased by her brother, Millard Tibbets. She … [Read more...] about Obituary
The Declaration of Independence When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal … [Read more...] about Editorial
Dear Eleanore Turkington: Several weeks ago, Gripe Vine had a story in it describing a group of kids on bikes carelessly riding in and out of cars and blocking traffic on West Haven streets. Activity like this could really cause fright and tragedy … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Dear Felicia
Well sweetie, the kiddies are outta school, and summer is in full swing with the solstice. Believe it or not in another couple o’ weeks we’re gonna realize that the days are getting shorter and that means the long slog toward winter – again. And jest … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
City Hall closed for furlough Friday
Move to save city $73,000 Working with the unions that represent city employees, police, Allingtown firefighters and wastewater treatment workers, Mayor Nancy R. Rossi has instituted a furlough day for all union and nonunion personnel, including the … [Read more...] about City Hall closed for furlough Friday
City trio raised to rank of Eagle Scout June 12
Only four percent of Boy Scouts ever reach the rank of Eagle Scout, so it’s a rare day when any Boy Scout troop holds an Eagle Scout Court of Honor. It is even more rare for three Scouts to rise to Eagle at the same time, but such was the case … [Read more...] about City trio raised to rank of Eagle Scout June 12
Khondker gets primary ballot for GOP 116th
Roman Khondker, 18, of West Haven has filed petition signatures with Republican Registrar of Voters Jo Anne Callegari to force a primary between him and Republican City Councilman-at-Large Richard DePalma for the 116th State House of Representatives … [Read more...] about Khondker gets primary ballot for GOP 116th
At a glance
Residents reminded to renew dog licenses Residents who own dogs must renew their licenses before June 30 or face a $1 monthly fine, City Clerk Deborah Collins said. State law requires dog owners to submit a current rabies vaccination certificate … [Read more...] about At a glance