City issues snow rules for parking To help expedite snow removal, the Department of Public Works is reminding residents and businesses to observe parking regulations during and after snowstorms. Under normal snow conditions, once snow begins to … [Read more...] about At a glance
Around town
New Year’s Dance The West Haven Italian-American Civic Association will hold its New Year's Eve Dinner Dance on Sunday, Dec. 31, at the club, 85 Chase Lane. A full-course sit-down dinner with dessert and coffee will be served at 6:30, by Cusano by … [Read more...] about Around town
Ed. Note: The following was sent by former Mayor Edward M. O’Brien after last week’s edition was sent to the printer. We publish it this week as a closing statement on his four years as the city’s chief executive. As I close of my time as mayor, … [Read more...] about Letters
Mayor Rossi takes oath, promises a new course With the pomp and ceremony expected at such events, the peaceful transition of power, albeit on a municipal level, took place Sunday at West Haven High School. Nancy Rossi became the twelfth … [Read more...] about Editorial
Gripe Vine Readers: As you all know, West Haven is now led by Mayor Nancy R. Rossi. Gripe Vine, in the past, has been assisted in resolving your issues and complaints through West Haven’s Complaint Officer, Francis Withington. I have been … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Dear Felicia
It’s done, sweetie pie. The new administration is ensconced in the thoid floor of the Actors Colony, and it’s gonna be interesting to see how things shake out. The Asylum by the Sea is a place where politics doesn’t stop for much, including … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Soderman’s heroics live on
By Vic Hogfeldt Special to the Voice When I was a kid WWII still loomed large in the public imagination, as it should have. Records show that at least 108 sons of West Haven were lost in that war from a town with only about half its current … [Read more...] about Soderman’s heroics live on
Rossi takes the oath; orders cost controls
Nancy Rossi became the city’s 11th mayor, Sunday, in biennial ceremonies at West Haven High School. She was fast on the job the next day as she fulfilled one of her campaign promises and a highlight of her inaugural address, putting a freeze on … [Read more...] about Rossi takes the oath; orders cost controls
Mayor Rossi’s Inaugural Address
Sen. Blumenthal, newly elected officials, honored guests, ladies and gentleman…thank you for joining us today as we embark on this new chapter in West Haven’s long and storied history. I want to congratulate my fellow elected officials who are … [Read more...] about Mayor Rossi’s Inaugural Address
Deadline reminder
Youth sports publicists are reminded the deadline for submissions each week is 10 a.m. on Tuesday. Copy must be filed by that time via email to be considered. Coaches are reminded that teams must go through league officials to get scores published … [Read more...] about Deadline reminder